Saturday 7 June 2014

Which health drink is for you? Change your drinking habits?

We all want to improve our health and general well being. 
I bet there is not a single person reading this who doesn't have a health or beauty problem. It doesn't matter if it is a  life changing illness or a mild irritation. Sit and think just for a moment...what is there about your health or beauty that you would like to change? this point, you may well be saying...I am fine. My health is good, my skin is clear, my joints are healthy,  I have no health worries at all. OR are you like me who daily was screaming out for help.

How many times do we go to the Dr and take the pills, lotions and potions only for the same or different problem to appear and we go through the same visit to the G.P time and time again.

Personally, I took anti-inflammatory drugs for 7 years for joint pain....suddenly I couldn't take them any more because, GUESS WHAT? they had caused me to develop Crohn's Disease. SO, what did I do?...I went back to the Dr and got different tablets for my Crohn's Disease...8 HUGE pills a day and a couple of months worth of Steroids a year!...Then there were the drugs to counter the side effects of well, you know how it goes...the cycle continues.

So, what did i do?...I came off ALL MEDICATION! I just stopped, I had had enough. I spoke to my specialist first, and we called in my G.P to keep an eye on things.

What happened...Firstly my symptoms that had been dumbed down returned...and a few more besides. Coming off any medication should be a gradual process...BUT i really had reached breaking be honest I am not sure that I cared what happened. Depressed? you bet i was....and guess what...I ended up on antidepressants...I soon stopped taking as they increased my Crohn's symptoms.

I tried all sorts of things including some sort of Fungi that you grew in the fridge. Nuts eh? I can see why my friends think I am a bit of a hippy :-)
My Crohn's got so bad that I became medically anorexic.NO, I wasn't avoiding food or any of the other things you may think about when you hear this term...SIMPLY I was malnourished.  Deficient nutritionally on many levels. I had patchy hair loss, nails that split and barely grew. I was spotty, I had no energy...the list goes on...



A very sweet friend whose baby had been born with a bowel condition told me a family member was selling Aloe Vera Gel...Did I want to try it?...I tried it...YUK...spat it out and forgot all about it.

A few months later someone else mentioned they were taking it as they had a skin did look much better but I didn't think anything much more of it. I dabbled with it...a bit like one might dabble with alcohol...a quick glugg every now and then...then nothing for a week or two. It was always in the fridge...but the same bottle stayed there well past its expiry date.UNTIL...I met my lovely partner, John :-)

 He knew all about the health benefits of Aloe and encouraged me to drink it...I found it annoying at first...I would barely be awake and he would thrust a couple of supplements and a glass of Aloe at me...Drove me insane sometimes. Here was someone who I can see now loved me and wanted me to be well...NEEDED me to be well so that we could have fun and do things together without me rushing off to the loo...No public outing :-(

Guess what...four years on we have added little Noah to our already huge family...between us he was baby number 9...we are older parents and now I have the worry of wanting to not only be around to see the 2 Grandchildren my eldest daughter has produced BUT I want to be around and be Granny to Noah's children one day too.
That is far more likely now that I have taken control of my health...The Aloe Vera has helped me so much that I am ready to face the world again. My Crohn's symptoms are minimal. My inflammation markers are lower than they have ever been. My average blood pressure reading is 110/60 (I am 43)

I am not saying this has cured me...far from it, there is no cure for Crohn's.
I still have mobility problems due to hip displaysia...though I have recently had surgery and 3 weeks on can stand unaided...I won't be walking for a while yet as I have a broken pelvis and four screws in my hip, but all the while I know that the Aloe is improving my inflammation (No anti inflammatories for me after surgery)

I believe that drinking Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel has improved my health beyond measure. I still have to run to the loo sometimes but NOT 12-15 times a day.
My hair is glossy and healthy.
My nails grow so fast I can barely keep up with them.
My joints are less painful.
My blood pressure is down.
My weight is stable.
My skin is soft and blemish free.
I have more energy.
I take no reguarly prescribed medications, with the exception of an inhaler
I rarely get a niggly cold
I have had one tummy bug in the last four years
I feel great.
I have gone from being unemployable and on disability benefits for 20yrs to being self-employed,

I bet you know what I sell... well wouldn't you when you know what a difference it can make to someones life?

PLEASE do one thing for this is a few minutes out of your time and it is for ALL of you...I bet that one of the four drinking gels available will be able to help you, either now or in the future.

AND FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE NO HEALTH PROBLEMS...Don't forget that like for me, things can suddenly strike you out of the blue...Prevention is better than a cure :-)

Which one is for you?




Find me on Facebook   Forever Living - Claire Burgess

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